
Avoid Being Blind, Fighting Off MYOPIA Without Clutches!

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I want to share my personal experiences with you about how I grapple with and reverse myopia or shortsightedness and was able to successfully fend it off after 37 years of carrying eyeglasses on my face while walking with the help of eye clutches.

I did not know I was hit by myopia until 1976 when I was in standard seven, and I opted to sit at the back of a classroom, and then hell broke loose. I could barely read what the teacher was writing on the blackboard. I was perplexed, and I knew I could not follow the teachings in a classroom unless I were restored to my previous position in the front of the class.

Almost 37 later, I tested all the means and the advice needed to resolve myopia without much success. Opticians were happy to sell me glasses, which I reluctantly wear, but there was one critical snag. Every time I did not wear them, I could hardly see, and I had a queasy feeling that contrary to the medical counsel, glasses were ruining my eyesight over time!

Over the years, I saw blindness was a real possibility as opticians kept prescribing me with even more powerful glasses that later I came to a painful realization: I did not need them!

One day, I bought glasses with loose frames that kept falling and had to arrange appointments with my optician to fix the frames. He set them four times, and then I grew tired of going there, so I began evaluating the whole experience to see whether there was a way out of this vicious cycle. As you will see below in this narrative, that was a food omen to me.

First, I jogged my memory and remembered that the first optician who had convinced me to wear glasses had lied to me when he said my sight would improve over the years. Well, it didn’t!!

Then, being frugal and an austere man, I never liked buying fancy yet expensive glasses to impress others or getting that academic look that many are fond of. I have always regarded glasses with lots of suspicion, but I could not pinpoint where the problem was.

So, thanks to the internet, I began googling the alternatives where I could peek at several feasible options to restore my sight.

The journey to eyesight restoration took eight years to complete, mainly because I was doing it wrongly and, at times, taking backward steps out of sheer ignorance.

So, How do Environmental Factors and Eye Care Missteps Lead to Shortsightedness?

The first piece of advice was a promise that myopia is a reversible disability and that it is an environmental source. Wrong use of eyes leads to poor sight. I will dilate on that.

Sitting in front of a class and spending many hours reading books or attending to homework as part of schooling’s stringent requirements did not generate myopia. However, not knowing that our eyes were not designed to stare at two-dimensional writings for many hours was the actual drawback.

As years went by, unknowingly, sclerosis developed in my eye lenses that ended up damaging the natural autofocus of the eye lenses, leading to shortsightedness. What happens is we need autofocus of the eye lenses for the eyes to shift and adjust focal length when we look at closer objects and distant ones.

That movement of focal length without leading to blurred sighting is called autofocus. Once the eye lenses are damaged by sclerosis, they can only adjust closer images to view them correctly, but it takes more time to visualize far objects. This results in myopia or shortsightedness in the eyes, seeing closer objects but not those that are far away.

In such a situation, one would have expected opticians to commercialize our plight instead of having eye physios, but we end up with blinding tribulation. Sclerosis is cured by doing the opposite of what led to shortsightedness but not packing eyes with eye clutches called spectacles, which do not address the natural causes of the problem but offer temporary relief like puffing methyl.

To further our understanding of why wearing convex glasses to deal with myopia is akin to a person courting disability by walking with clutches. Over the years, an average person would lose the strength of the limbs and could not walk without the assistance of the clutches. This is what happens when you wear convex lenses to treat myopia temporarily.

Where concave glasses may also be helpful to deter myopia for those spending tons of hours on laptop and computer screens, this discussion will not evaluate the pros and cons of that option to limit the scope of this counsel.

However, it is sufficient to say that concave glasses are advisable under certain circumstances. Still, we shall direct our synergies with how to restore our eyesight by natural means: no glasses, please.

From my research and years of my journey in this concourse, I came to learn that many eyeglasses bearers who desire to recover their compromised eyesight by natural means tend to fall to wearing glasses because nobody taught them how to do it properly and how long it was going to take to moderate the expectations.

On the issue of time, it all depends on the level of motivation. The more hours one invests in the eyesight restoration, the faster one reaps the recovery rates. My experience on this matter has led me to develop fast rules that can lead to restoration of eyesight within two years, at most, notwithstanding how bad one’s eyesight is.

The first rule of thumb is that myopia is a reversible handicap, and glasses are harmful to our eyesight because the natural laws of “use it or lose it” are not exercised. Glasses make eye lenses relax and become weaker, incapable of sighting closer objects and distant ones over time, condemning the bespectacled to induced blindness.

The second rule of thumb is that marketers of glasses have been able to successfully deceive their targets into thinking that glasses are a matter of image rights. We say if one has to choose blindness as a sacrifice to securing image rights, any wise person will opt to get perfect eyesight while clipping and shunning any illusions of the tangible benefits from style, fashion and physical attributes brought by wearing glasses.

The third rule of thumb is motivation levels: how badly do you want to recover your sight? It is easier said than done! Most people I know who attempted to recover their eyesight typically cover their tracks with excuses as to why they could not persevere. One pitfall is eye strain, which can be soothed by medication like “Visine“, but to the cowards, it is a sufficient reason to derail a person whose blindness is natural and progressive.

Others cite lack of time or natural eye exercises as painful to the eyes and time-consuming, among others, amounting to procrastination. Over the years, they tend to miss their targets until they see you have broken the yoke of your eye clutches. Then, they frantically impose on themselves an eye exercise regime that is unbearable and fails to sustain it. Time management skills, patience and endurance are the pivotal ingredients for anyone involved in this challenge to reach a finish line without stumbling.

Presuming that one can overcome the hurdles mentioned earlier, then we have the following advice: do not wear glasses unless you have to like driving vehicles or reading in a classroom, but once out of those obligations, get the eye clutches off your eyes and let the natural eyes lenses get the tizz they need to stay fit and strong.

There are trending claims gaining traction in the media that long hours of watching TV or reading books or screens of phones and computers/ laptops accelerate myopia. Still, our experience has shown that it depends on many factors. Depending on what you read or watch, you can turn the same screws to fend off myopia!

Natural Remedies for Myopia: Strengthening Vision Without Glasses

Here are the quick methods one can deploy to get better results in correcting myopia naturally. First, pay attention to the fonts you read. The smaller the fonts, the harder your eye lenses work and develop the muscles necessary for autofocus to work effectively.

If you must work long hours reading or watching closer images, remember that shifting your eyes or eye movement is essential to strengthening your autofocus. Autofocus involves muscles, so specific muscles work when focusing on near objects. In contrast, others relax, and over time, the muscles responsible for focusing on close objects become more assertive at the expense of the muscles responsible for far objects.

Therefore, regular shifting of your eyesight will kick in on muscles responsible for distant objects and over time, they will grow more robust, and myopia is a deadbeat. On average, for every twenty minutes, you beam closer objects and set aside five minutes to bathe your eyes at far, three-dimensional objects. Both muscles responsible for near and far sighting should work harder for you. That is how you apprehend your myopia naturally without being doped and tethered by eyeglasses, which tend to be cloudy, misty and dimming.

Another angle is centralization, where you habitually challenge your eyes to view three-dimensional blurred objects. You habitually read small fonts and ignore bigger images or letters. You need more robust peripheral vision because it will pimp myopia like no business. Whatever you are watching on the TV, focus on captions that are passing or the displays of channel numbers on your decoder. Initially, you will struggle to see and follow up on whatever you are watching and are not alone. Just persevere, and you will enjoy the benefits at the end of it all.

As you pursue perfect natural eyesight, never forget nothing comes without a price, and here you will learn the axiomatic wisdom of “no pain, no gain.” Like all types of exercising of bodily muscles, pain is expected, so do not be surprised that eye strain, particularly at night, is what you have to put up with in your journey to the realization of your dream of natural vision. Medication is available on most pharmaceuticals without a prescription. You will do well to buy them, as Visine has been my constant comforter.

This discourse encourages glass wearers to think out of the box and try something else because glass is trudging its victims to human-induced blindness. Why should you be blind while you were born perfect in the sight of our maker?

Read more health insights here.

The author is a Development Administration specialist in Tanzania with over 30 years of practical experience, and has been penning down a number of articles in local printing and digital newspapers for some time now.

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