
Tanzania’s Unyielding Resolve: Empowering Peace in the DRC

Dr. Philip Mpango SADC Mission in the DRC
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In a resolute statement, Vice President Dr. Philip Mpango of Tanzania pledged unwavering support to the Southern African Development Community Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (SAMIDRC).

With the goal of restoring peace and stability to the region, Tanzania stands shoulder to shoulder with the SADC in this noble endeavor. Dr. Mpango made this emphatic proclamation during an extraordinary virtual meeting of the Tripartite Organization for Cooperation in Politics, Security, and Defense of the SADC Organ Troika, representing President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan.

A Solid Backing for Security Efforts

With its unwavering determination, throws its full support behind the SADC’s relentless efforts to fortify defense and security in the Eastern DRC. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Dr. Mpango reiterated Tanzania’s commitment to making additional contributions towards the establishment of the Tanzania & SADC Mission in the DRC. This commitment serves as a beacon of hope, lighting the path to lasting peace and stability.

Addressing the Regional Security Landscape

The extraordinary virtual meeting convened not only to address the security situation in the Eastern DRC but also to shine a spotlight on the challenges in the North of the Republic of Mozambique. SADC member states collectively agreed to extend the presence of SADC Mission forces in Mozambique (SAMIM) for a 12-month period, starting from July 16, 2023. SAMIM, a dynamic regional peacekeeping mission operating in Northern Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province, demonstrates the SADC’s proactive stance in promoting security in the region.

A Unified Front

This virtual gathering witnessed the presence of distinguished leaders, including Namibian President Dr. Hage Geingob, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, and the Presidents of Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. The heads of state united to forge a path towards stability and prosperity, firmly believing in the transformative power of collaboration.

Immediate Action for the Eastern DRC

The urgency of the prevailing security situation in the Eastern DRC cannot be understated. The summit expressed deep concern over the unstable and deteriorating conditions, unequivocally condemning the upsurge of conflict and armed group activities, including the resurgence of the M23 rebels. The call for an immediate cessation of hostilities by all armed groups and their unconditional withdrawal from occupied areas resounded powerfully through the summit’s communique.

The M23 rebellion was an armed conflict in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), that occurred between the March 23 Movement and government forces between 4 April 2012 and 7 November 2013. It ended when a peace agreement was made among eleven African nations, and the M23 troops surrendered in Uganda.

In a monumental decision, the summit greenlit the deployment of a SADC force within the framework of the standby force to support the DRC’s quest for peace and security in the Eastern region. Recognizing the need for a more coordinated approach amidst multiple deployments and multilateral and bilateral arrangements, the summit implored the DRC government to establish essential conditions and measures to effectively coordinate sub-regional and bilateral forces operating in the country.

Forging Peace: Tanzania’s Resolute Support for SADC Mission in the DRC

This proactive approach signifies Tanzania’s dedication to the well-being and progress of neighboring countries, promoting a sense of shared responsibility and mutual cooperation. By participating in virtual meetings alongside other heads of state and government, Tanzania reaffirms its diplomatic presence and influence within the SADC and the broader African continent.

This active engagement allows Tanzania to shape the regional discourse, contribute to decision-making processes, and strengthen its relationships with other member states.

  1. Regional Leadership: Tanzania & SADC Mission in the DRC showcases its regional leadership and active engagement in fostering peace and stability. This sends a positive message to the average Tanzanian about their country’s role in promoting regional security.
  2. Increased Security: The SADC’s efforts to strengthen defense and security in the Eastern DRC can have a positive impact on the average Tanzanian. Greater stability in the region means reduced spillover effects, such as cross-border conflicts or the influx of displaced persons, which can contribute to a safer environment for Tanzanian citizens.
  3. Economic Opportunities: Sustainable peace and stability in the DRC and the broader region can lead to increased economic opportunities. As neighboring countries experience stability, it opens doors for trade, investment, and collaboration, potentially benefiting the average Tanzanian through job creation, improved cross-border trade, and enhanced regional cooperation.

Looking Ahead

The summit was heartened by the African Union Commission’s support for convening the Quadripartite Summit, which aims to enhance the coordination of the peace process in the DRC. The steadfast commitment of Tanzania and other SADC member states, united in purpose, sets the stage for sustainable peace, security, and prosperity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the broader region.

Tanzania demonstrates its commitment to collective security and regional cooperation. This engagement not only enhances Tanzania’s diplomatic standing but also contributes to the broader goal of fostering peace and prosperity in the Eastern DRC and the Southern African region. It is important for the government to address these concerns transparently and ensure that the well-being and interests of the average Tanzanian are taken into account while participating in regional peacekeeping efforts.

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